Sunday, February 22, 2009

Feeling thoughtful on this fateful night...

So after a long time of working on a daily basis, I finally got to have a day off today. It was relaxing, though I did nothing special in particular aside from sleeping, eating, and read manga. I also did some packing as I'll be going to Beijing tomorrow to look at some university campuses. After two days it'll be Shanghai. Will keep readers updated, even though I doubt there are any. O_o;;

Yeah, so tomorrow shall be a new and glorious day, finally get out of this damned countryside. Haha. Pretty re-inspired, think I'll start a new manga soon. I'm in a blank mood, but for some reason I find it relaxing to write posts for a blog. But I've been thinking a lot today, and thinking makes me somewhat depressed and serious. Haha. It must be boring reading without pictures, damn, I know how that feels. Okay, will post pictures soon. Man, I keep saying that, haha.

'Night everyone, got to get back to last-minute packing and then pick up my blazer from the dry cleaners first thing in the morning before my flight! Man, I feel like drinking some alcohol...

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